Saturday, October 27, 2012

Trunk or Treating

We LOVE our little pink monster! 

It was freezing outside, so we put our monster in the car to warm up!

 The little monster doing what she does best, being a monster!

A visit from UTAH!!!!

Aaron's family visited us for a week in October. We absolutely loved having them visit and wish they could have stayed longer. We visited Little Bighorn Battlefield and Red Lodge. 

I am obsessed with Halle's new hat that we bought at Cabelas. 
Love the Pink camouflage!!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mammoth Hot Springs

We took a weekend drive to Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park. We are loving our little weekend trips to all of the places within a 3 hour drive from Billings. 

Halle was way more interested on playing on the boardwalk then she was at looking at the hot spring. 

Walking has made Halle a lot more independent. She thought she should be able to walk wherever she wanted to, which usually was not where Aaron and I wanted to go. 

Halle was a little tired by the end of the day

Playing in the Closet

Now that Halle is a BIG ONE YEAR OLD and has learned to walk, she is starting to explore the house in a new (sometimes destructive) way. She has discovered she can open the cabinets and the toilet seat as well as spin the toilet paper roll until all the paper has come off.  The other day, I found her in my closet where she had knocked all my shoes off the shoe rack and was attempting to climb on top of it. 

Attempting the climb
Almost there......

um.... maybe I'll pull down Mom's clothes

Oops...Looks like I've been caught